11 March 2012

A Brief Look

Geez, I didn't realize how long I had been away from here. My normal medium-full schedule has been in overdrive these last couple weeks. My family has been unbelievably busy. Life changing decisions have been made. I'm going all in. I hope it doesn't blow up in my face. Here are a few of my observations of late:

-Work conference + beautiful ski resort = more fun than work!
- It's nice to know that you are not forgotten and someone thins of you. I was in my office a couple days ago and found an entire case of wine a coworker bought for me. How thoughtful! She even remembered what type I like.
- I so look forward to the days that I can leave my kids without feeling guilt.
- I really hate moving. Especially when I really love where I live.
- I know a woman who has (for 8 years) held my DREAM job. I tried to play it cool and not ask a million questions; I didn't want to seem too eager to pick her brain.
-Everyday I am reminded how socially awkward I am. Yes, it is painful.
-Everyone looks better with a faux mustache. :)
-Because you wanted to know: I did not get into an argument with my husband's boss.
-Now is the time to be the person you want to be.
-The super put together mom who has a perfect family does not see herself this way and fears judgement as much as I do. Interesting.
-When lost do not just get on the Autobahn. Seriously, who does this? Men.
-^This made us miss the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
-2012 will be epic!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "-The super put together mom who has a perfect family does not see herself this way and fears judgement as much as I do. Interesting. "
    this always floors me too!


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